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The Deal With Activated Charcoal

I'm all about trying out products and giving honest reviews about them--good AND bad. If my review helps anyone make a decision on a product to purchase, then yay me.

THE PRODUCT SO... activated charcoal has been all the hype (at least ads all over my Facebook). It is used for a number of things but the stuff I bought specifically is for whitening your teeth. I was very skeptical at first, but I decided to go for it after a couple weeks of pondering and researching. A lot of people will say that charcoal is bad for your teeth because of depleting enamel, yada yada... but honestly, this stuff isn't hurting anything. It's no different than brushing your teeth with baking soda, same texture... just black.

The directions say to use it twice a day for two minutes, but that seems excessive. I use it once every 4-5 days and for maybe a minute. You only have to use a TINY bit of this stuff. Seriously, less is more (so cliche, right?)! It's a small container for the price, but after I realized how long it is going to last, the price wasn't so bad ($25).

Once you dip your brush, you just brush your teeth like you normally would! It looks scary, but cool at the same time. It makes you look you have a zombie mouth (that's the in thing these days...right?)

Then you rinse your mouth and BAM! Pearly whites!
CONCLUSION I noticed a difference after the first use--which is amazing. I can see a visual difference EVERY time I use this stuff. It's definitely worth the money!! So if you want a quick teeth whitening solution, get this stuff! I bought it on Amazon, you can check it out here!
 -A.M. Vast-Heart


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